Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sixth Grade & Skateboarding

Kudos to the Hawaii Public School system! Gabe's low vision teacher(s) have been an absolute Godsend. The teacher came to our home, brought Gabe supplies to facilitate his schoolwork, and had all his textbooks enlarged. He is also now able to attend special field trips under special education that will help him navigate the community and help him gain self-confidence. All the magnifiers, and other tools that help him have been provided at no cost to us. I cannot thank his school (Pearl Ridge Elementary) enough. Everyone has been so supportive and empathetic.

Homework has been a struggle due to the increase in workload but he is a trooper. Reading is hard for him even with the magnifiers, as it is time consuming and causes eye strain/headaches. Computer work is hard for him as well, unless done on a large screen with larger font.

I emailed Tony Hawk to ask if there was any possibility that Gabe could meet him and/or see him skate. It might seem silly to randomly email a total stranger, a famous one at that, but who knows? Stranger things have happened. I feel so much grief over all the things my son has had to give up due to his vision impairment. First baseball, then karate. All he has left are his skateboard, his electric guitar, and folding origami. He is very good at origami. There are creations of his all over the house. LOL

Still praying for a miracle.