Friday, September 24, 2010

Playing a game of clue

So, the trip to Beverly Hills is all set up. My son STILL has no clue where we are going or what we will be doing there. *insert evil chuckle here* He saw that I had bought a new suitcase, and began to get curious. I decided to make the surprise more fun by playing a little game of clue with him. He can ask yes or no questions, and I have given him hints like "it will be between now and Christmas" and "it's happening on the West Coast" hehehe. This is fun. He is writing a list of clues as he gets them and I am waiting to see just how smart my son really is. Will he figure it out by the big day??? In order to up the ante, I bought him a Tony Hawk tech deck today and told him that the trip might have something to do with skating...He asked if we were going to Skateland U.S.A. (old stomping ground for me & the hubby back in the day). I just chuckled and said "no".

On the school front, homework has gotten much easier due to the teachers' enlarging his worksheets. He is still struggling with his reading which is somewhere in the early 5th grade level. Now that he has the right tools, he is beginning to read for pleasure once again. That is encouraging. If he sticks with it, I am sure his fluency and comprehension will improve.

Gabe is religious about taking his supplements, and we bought one of those nifty pill cases with all the days of the week on it. He got a kick out of it because he noticed the braille dots on the covers. It is amazing how you begin to notice things only when they suddenly become part of YOUR reality.  He is thinking ahead (WAY ahead) and has expressed that if & when he needs a service animal, he would like a German Shepherd. Good choice ;) Smart, loyal, fiercely protective, hard working, and beautiful. Just like my son. I couldn't think of a better fit.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Comments Now Allowed

I changed the settings to enable all readers to comment. Please be respectful, sensitive, and use family friendly language. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on my blog. If you have specific questions, please email me directly at


Headed to Beverly Hills to meet Tony Hawk!!!!

God is amazing folks! When He promises in His word to "give us more than we can ever ask or imagine", He wasn't joking. I  had emailed  pro skateboarder Tony Hawk's fan club a couple of weeks ago, in the hopes of maybe getting an autograph or something like that for Gabe as a surprise for birthday/Christmas. Instead this is what I got in response:

          "Aloha Christine,

Thanks for the e-mail. We forward all of the e-mails to Tony and he reads all of them, but due to his traveling, demos and obligations he is not able to answer them individually.

What a rough time you have all been going through. Gabe is lucky to be surrounded by such a loving, caring and capable group of people. (I include the schools in that!) I have gone on your blog and read about what everyone is doing.

We would like to invite Gabe to one of our Stand Up For Skateparks events in October/November. The Beverly Hills event will be Sunday, October 17 from noon to 4 pm. There is another in Las Vegas Saturday, November 6 from 12 pm to 4 pm. You are welcome to either of the events. Please visit the website to see what they are about. I can escort you in so that Gabe is not lost in a crowd and so that he can personally meet Tony.

Stand Up For Skateparks 2010

Let me know if either of these dates work for you and we'll move forward with a plan. In the meantime, we'll have Tony sign an autographed photo with a message for Gabe."




Lenore Hawk Dale

Director, Tony Hawk Fan Club
God has miraculously provided us with the funds to actually take this opportunity! Gabe and I will be flying to Los Angeles on October 15th. While we are there, we will not only meet and greet Tony Hawk, and see a fantastic exhibition of pro skateboarders and BMXrs, as well as see Jane's Addiction (a band), but ALSO visit the Hollywood Walk of Fame and stay in a beautiful  3 star hotel. Gotta love package deals with I am humbled and overwhelmed by the generosity and kindness being shown by strangers, famous ones at that. I am not on a quest to grab freebies from anyone and everyone, but simply want my son to enjoy the time he has left with sight. Making memories is crucial to his healthy adjustment and I will do all in my power to make sure they are good ones. I cannot begin to thank Tony Hawk for this invitation. Gabe has no idea what is happening and won't have a clue until we board the plane. The exclusive event we will be attending is actually a fundraiser for Tony Hawk's charitable organization which provides skate parks in the inner cities of our country for the youth to enjoy. It is going to be held on Green Acres Private Estate in Beverly Hills. I am so excited I could just burst!!!!

In other news: Gabe's most recent eye appointment showed no change in his vision (20/100 both eyes). He is currently taking 3 supplements: Lutein, Omega 3 fish oil, and Bilberry, all of which have been proven to support and repair eye function, specifically in the retina. These antioxidants/supplements are commonly recommended for those with macular degeneration. No improvement yet, but staying the same is a small victory. As long as his vision isn't getting worse, I am content. His next appointment will be in January with Dr. Ng of the Retina Institute of Hawaii. Please agree with me in prayer for a good report at that time.