Saturday, November 27, 2010

New Opportunities to Share Gabe's Story

Even as I prepare for our upcoming adventure/vacation at Disney World, I find myself being continually challenged. I was inspired late last night to type out Gabe's story and submit it to Guideposts which is an inspirational inter-faith publication that specializes in short stories about everyday people facing obstacles in their lives. The manuscript flowed well and was submitted successfully online, in the wee hours of this morning. I am praying that it find the hands and eyes of the person for whom it is intended.

Gabe and I will also be setting up a booth at the March for Life, in cooperation with Hawaii Helps Disabilities (a nonprofit organization run by our good friend Kimberly Selden) here in Honolulu this coming January. We will be utilizing the presentation board that Gabe created for his 5th grade class at school, and are excited about the opportunity to put the word out about CRD.

Gabe is also excited because he has been given yet another gadget to use both at home and at school. It is one of those audio readers which allows him to download books and then reads them aloud to him as he follows along. If and when the time comes, he will be able to hear his favorite stories, even if he can no longer see to read them.

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